CANCELLED TILL THE NEW YEAR Drones in Film Making Workshop

Events / Workshops
November 22, 2019This workshop is designed to give a high level overview of using various types and sizes of RPAS aircraft for ?lm or commercial production. This workshop will discuss information regarding Transport Canada current regulations, quali?cations and aircraft requirements for ?ights in controlled and uncontrolled airspace. In addition to the regulatory information, this workshop will also provide an overview of the technical components of a typical multi rotor and ?xed wing system and will discuss in detail the various types of multi rotor systems available and their strengths and weaknesses as aircraft and as a shooting platform.
This workshop will also discuss the use of photogrammetry and laser scanning from an RPAS and uses for the resulting 3d realty capture data through-out production. We will discuss the types of aircraft capable of reality capture and will provide an overview of the ?eld work and processing required to produce quality 3d models.
This workshop intends on providing a solid overview of using RPAS in production. It focuses on the technical aspects of the aircraft itself, the regulatory requirements, and other potential uses for RPAS in production. It focuses less so on the various types of camera’s or other payloads.
About Colin Hubick
Colin Hubick is a Saskatchewan based technologist, RPAS ?ight instructor and certi?ed by Transport Canada as a Flight Reviewer and holds an advanced RPAS ?ight certi?cate for operations in controlled airspace. Colin initially worked as an Architectural Technologist after attending Southern Alberta Institute of Technology for Architectural Technologies. Colin has enjoyed model RC since the age of 10, and became active in the commercial RPAS industry in 2011 and obtained his ?rst SFOC in 2012. Since that time Colin has been involved in many large scale civil engineering projects that utilized RPAS and laser scanning for mapping and surveying.
Colin actively worked in the Saskatchewan ?lm industry from 2002 until 2016 when his focus turned from the technical aspects of ?lm, to the technical aspects of RPAS, Laser Scanning and Photogrammetry in the Civil Engineering Industry. Colin also works as a technical consultant to the University of Regina’s Facility Management Group, and has been involved ongoing with the University on a number of projects.
The workshop will cost $50 for SMPIA members, and $125 for nonmembers.
Where: 312-1831 College Ave Regina, Sask
When: 10am-4pm November 30, 2019