The DGC Ultimate PA Workshop

/ Workshops
June 5, 2023The DGC Ultimate P.A. Workshop
Production Assistants (P.A.’s) are entry-level positions for all departments in the screen industry.
The DGC’s Ultimate P.A. Workshop was developed by senior members of the DGC Alberta District Council and is recognized as a ‘gold standard’ workshop for people joining the media production industry.
The DGC’s Ultimate P.A. Workshop was developed by senior members of the DGC Alberta District Council and is recognized as a ‘gold standard’ workshop for people joining the media production industry. Hundreds of newbie crew members have taken the workshop and gone to work on shows like the wildly successful HBO series “The Last of Us”
If you are interested in working on an active set in Saskatchewan’s growing media production industry, the DGC Ultimate P.A. Workshop, led by our Alberta pal, Brock Skretting, is a great place to start!
Workshop Leader: Brock Skretting
Brock Skretting has been working in the screen industry for about 10 years. He has worked in both production office and assistant director positions and is passionate about seeing new people join the industry and film grow across the Canadian Prairies. Brock’s credits include Wynonna Earp, Fargo, Interstellar, and The Revenant.
Brock is also the executive director of “Keep Alberta Rolling” which works to promote the screen industry in Alberta through showcasing behind-the-scenes grassroots development, productions and people who work in the industry. He received the DGC Impact Award in 2022 for KAR’s contribution to advocacy for Alberta’s film and television tax credit and positive marketing for the industry.
Saturday, June 10, 2023, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
University of Regina College Building
2155 College Ave.
Regina, SK. S4P 4V5
Sunday, June 11, 2023, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Honey Cut Studios
2422 Schyler St.
Saskatoon, SK. S7M 5H4
Registration Fees: SMPIA members $20.00; Non-members $85.00